The Realm of Beings is a bodiless ethereal collective who channels through Dr. Gretta. Their purpose in this reality is to brings teachings that support understanding the creation of reality and each person’s connection to the Force, the Creator of All.
They have been with Dr. Gretta since she was a child with the purpose of protecting her and guiding her through her realities. Among the Realm of Beings , there is one, whom she calls Father.
These are energy personality essences who form a collective consciousness and are not entrenched in physical reality and subjected to its illusions. Their purpose for being present in this experiential environment is to assist individuals in understanding the creation of reality, unconditional love, and oneness, They have been psychically present in Gretta’s life since she was born and have guided her throughout her life. Now, they are available to the world through their presence on the podcast. They are also involved in the formulation of the Institute of Transformation Science which is an esoteric science Institute that focuses on the inner development of human beings through creation of reality psychologically, emotionally, and physically. In addition, The Realm participate in the training of Transformational Specialists and guides them in their remote energy healing work.