Please note, that as I write these reflections, I am not writing them alone. The Realm of Beings is giving me input and guidance; we are writing together as one.
Reflection One: “Emotions propel your thoughts and assist you in creating your personal reality.”
First, it is important to recognize that emotions are part of the illusory experiences, which we create to assist us in functioning within our self-constructed realities. Their purpose is to help you explore yourself as a human and to support you in your lessons, which you have chosen to investigate. Also, it is important to understand that both categories of emotions, low vibrational and high vibrational, are equally used by you to learn and express your personal and extensive life experiences.
In addition, emotions, which you create in your life, stem from two main foundational roots which are “fear” and “love.” The low vibrational emotions are derivatives from fear, while the higher vibrational emotions are extensions from the emotion, love. For example, emotions such as hate, animosity, and anxiety are spawned from fear, while peace and joy are extensions of love.
Without going into a scientific discussion about the storage and creation of emotion, I am going to approach this topic from a more simplistic point of view. As a review, remember that each one of us creates our own realities by way of the choices that we make. If you start a personal journey to investigate who you are, you must eventually begin to look at the emotions that are guiding you in your selection of choices. Then, you may find that many of these emotions, which you have learned, were acquired from your parents, while you were young. We have a tendency to use them when we are experiencing a challenge. The Realm and I call them your “go to” emotions. We are quick to use them, because we have been practicing them over a long period of time, usually from childhood.
These emotions can be extremely impactful on your lives. Regardless of culture or ethnicity, we have been taught to honor and respect our parents. Consequently, we accept their perceptions of us even though some may be demeaning or hurtful. As children, we did not recognize that they are really describing themselves, as they attempt to define us. We did not realize that we are the only ones who can define who we are. No one else knows us except us. It is an illusion that someone else can tell us who we are and criticize our behaviors. They can only do this through their own self-perceptions. Therefore, they can only relate to you by way of who they are. This understanding can be applied to you as an adult. The principle is the same. No one can determine who you are, but you.
Knowing and understanding this concept, helps you to release the hurt or emotional pain that you attached to yourself through any type of demeaning event. This experience also gives you some insight into the other person and how they feel about themselves at the unconscious level.
When you experience being chastised, criticized, or demeaned in any way, remember that you have created this particular reality and take ownership of it. This type of illusory actualization is there for you to realize that, for whatever reason, you are not loving yourself nor appreciating yourself. The lesson in these types of situations is to remember that you are a Divine Being, who has absolute control of the realities that are presenting themselves to you.